Welcome to my blog

I am a Realtor with Weichert Realtors, The Andrews Group in Murfreesboro, TN. I also service Nashville, Mount Juliet, Lebanon, Woodbury, Shelbyville and Eagleville. I love helping people find their dream home. I trust the information will be useful.

Friday, April 22, 2016


We see so many breakdowns in our culture right now. Whether it is race, generations or just differences in thought. You don't have to go far to see it. Just follow a thread on social media.

As a child I was taught to respect my elders. I was taught to respect the police. I was taught to respect my teachers. I was taught to respect people that weren't like me. I didn't disrespect strangers either. There were swift consequences to disrespecting.

Respect doesn't mean agree. It means you can discuss a principle without attacking the other person. It means when an authority figure gives you a directive, you say yes ma'am or yes sir.

Sometimes it's okay for someone to tell you what to do. We need to realize the the axis of the earth doesn't go though the top of our head. All we need is a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T. 

Thursday, April 21, 2016

You're either moving the ball or watching the game!

When Mason was younger, I noticed he had mentally checked out of a football game. I yelled, " Do you need to buy a ticket to the game?" It seemed he was doing more watching than playing.

We get that way in life. We become a zombie, going through the motions to get to the end of the day. We get up and go to work and put in our 8 hours because that's what we're supposed to do. 

If you have to be there anyway, try blocking for your teammate. Try passing them the ball. Who knows, you might even get the ball. Engage and be a part of something bigger than yourself. At the very least, the time will pass by faster.

Star in someone else's documentary!

I recently watched a documentary on Alan Iverson. He had so much talent. When he was on the court, there was no doubt about his effort. The rub with Alan was always off the court.

There was one section of the documentary dedicated to the one time he crossed up Michael Jordan. Alan had  the ball and faked going left and Michael committed to that direction. Alan the stepped right and made the basket.

What stood out to me was how great you have to be to end up in someone else's documentary for the one time they beat you. It made me think about about my life. It made me think about how we should strive for that kind of greatness. Be the standard, the bar, the focus of all those around you as the level to rise to. Be great enough and you might just end up in someone else's documentary!

Majoring in the minors!

Do you want a quick way to stop losing and start winning? Stop majoring in the minors! Stop sweating every detail. You don't have to win every battle.

When you lead with emotion, you will always be short sided. You'll always think short term. What feels good right now instead of what is best for me long term.

When things go wrong don't beat up your employees and those around you. Maybe you don't need to know who messed up, why, and how. You'll create an environment of complacency. Everyone around you will be afraid to make a decision for fear of the repercussion.

When we get bogged down in every little detail, we fail to move forward. Try to always see the big picture. Think long term if want to grow your business and your life.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Do you deserve a raise?

I recently saw a group of protestors demanding a raise in pay! They were asking for $15 per hour to be exact. The funny thing is not one of the signs explained what they were going to do better to earn it. There was nothing about staying late, arriving early, going the extra mile for the customer. Just a demand for more money.

There are two ways you can get paid. You can either do more or know more! I would like to ask each one, "How many nonfiction books have you read this year?" You become what you put in your mind and heart.

If you want more money, it's quite simple.  Read, listen to podcasts in your car, interview people making more than you, and set goals. Your not entitled to it! You have to go get it!

One of two things will happen as you put in more effort. The company you work for will reward you through promotions and raises or someone will see your hard work and steal you! Think of yourself as You INC. You are your own little company. You are the CEO! No matter your job or employer, you and only you hold the keys to your success!

Thursday, April 7, 2016

You can't drive with a flat tire!

I hear the phrase "work/life balance a lot! Is it possible to have all areas of your life firing on all cylinders? Is this a myth? How can you create any sense of balance in your life?

Maybe balance doesn't have to mean equal. If we can agree to that, then maybe this will work. When you're at church, are you all in? When you're with you're family are you constantly checking emails and returning calls? When you're at work, are you spending time on unproductive tasks? 

Multitasking simply means switching back and forth between tasks and doing each of them poorly. When you focus on the moment, you will be more productive. You will find you can fit a lot more in your day!

Saturday, April 2, 2016

You Won an Award!

In real estate we have an award for everything! We have one for the "Million Dollor Club" (no, that's not "made a million" that's "sold a million". Many agents do that in a month now. We have production awards, service awards and even diversity awards.

We are in an age where the "trophy" has been watered down to the point where it has no significance. When I see sports trophies on a child's dresser, I automatically think " oh look, they participated!" 

I recently won the 2015 Producer of Technology Award for Century 21. Out a pool of over 100,000 agents, my name and resume was submitted to a panel for extensive review. Only one winner can be chosen globally for this award and it can only be won on the merits of an agent's use of technology in their business.

What were the benefits of winning this award? Every year since my first in business, I have attended our Global Conference. Every year, I have watched an agent walk across the stage to accept this award. I set a goal that first year to walk that stage one day! This caused me to strive to be better and work harder. It caused me to be a better agent. It took 10 years to finally realize this dream!

No matter the reward, I still think there is a place for the "trophy". It gives you a goal, a focus. You look up at the end and realize that it caused you to be better along the way.