Welcome to my blog

I am a Realtor with Weichert Realtors, The Andrews Group in Murfreesboro, TN. I also service Nashville, Mount Juliet, Lebanon, Woodbury, Shelbyville and Eagleville. I love helping people find their dream home. I trust the information will be useful.

Monday, July 31, 2017

Massive Action!

Why do you think most people fail to go beyond average? Is it the economy? Is it the government? Is it the way you were raised? Is it because you weren't taught the necessary skills to win?

I could keep going, but hopefully, you are starting to get the picture. When you blame something or someone else for where you are in life, you are already wrong! The number one reason is that you have not taken enough action.

Massive action means to go all in! It means you are prepared to achieve your goal no matter what. You are going to push through rejection. External circumstances are not going to get in your way. They just don't factor in your decision process. You are going to outwork anyone around you. That is when you will truly start to win.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Front Runner

In the book Shoedog, Phil Knight says, "Front Runners always work the hardest and risk the most." You can't excel from the back of the pack. You have to be first. That means you have to try things that are unproven. You have to be willing to fail in order to succeed.

Fail fast! Get back up and keep going. You can't win from a position of comfort. You have to get uncomfortable before you start to grow. If you wait for everything to be perfect before you move, you will lose. Running in the front is difficult, but the view is better.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Playing It Safe Is Risky!

If you want people to buy your product or service, you have to stand out. Especially if you are in a saturated or commoditized market. If you look like everyone else, you are forced to sell cheaper or cut your fees to get the business.

When you stand out, you will draw criticism. If you aren't getting criticized, you aren't doing enough to draw attention. It does take more work and it is not easy, but you will start to establish your brand.

There is a reason you do what you do. Tell your story. Stand out in the crowd of complacency. Go against the grain. Create a buzz around your brand and product.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

It's not my fault!

The other day I asked my children to pick weeds. My wife later told me that she had come behind them and found they hadn't done a very good job. My son informed me that they had split the task into sides and that was his sister's side. My daughter said that some of the weeds had stickers and they couldn't get those.

While studying successful people, I have started to see common traits. They don't make excuses. They don't complain about the lack of resources. They don't blame others. They don't lower the standard so they can win.

Ultra succsessful people win with few resources. They don't let outside forces dictate their success. They take responsibility. They don't take no for an answer. They fail a lot. One thing I notice is that they fail fast. They get back up and start fast. They don't dwell on the failure, they learn from it. They learn not to repeat the same mistakes over. The next time you are tempted to make an excuse, just remember that it won't help you win.

Monday, July 3, 2017

Is your past a friend or foe?

Today is brand new! The slate is clear. You get to start over. I just flipped the switch to clear everything out for you. The only thing I am going to leave is the memory of your past. What are you going to do with those memories? Are you going to use them to determine your not good enough, not smart enough or have lost important people in your life and can't seem to move forward? 

You see, the choice is now yours to make. Only you can decide how today is going to be. You have to be here no matter what, but how you decide to use your past will determine how good your future is going to be. 

I was fired from my first outside sales job. It hurt me! I had always seemed to be destined for sales and then hit this wall. I quickly got up and moved forward. I soon built a strong sales territitory in my next position. I then went on to become the #1 Century 21 agent in the midsouth region. Does you past hold you back or propel you forward? Bad things are going to happen. How you react will determine if you win or not.