Welcome to my blog

I am a Realtor with Weichert Realtors, The Andrews Group in Murfreesboro, TN. I also service Nashville, Mount Juliet, Lebanon, Woodbury, Shelbyville and Eagleville. I love helping people find their dream home. I trust the information will be useful.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Will it matter?

I spent something this weekend and it didn't cost a lot. I spent time. I spent time with my family. I spent one on one time with my wife. We then spent time with the kids. I spent time with my mom, dad, brothers and sisters.

Its easy to get caught up in the rut of life and not make the effort to spend time with the ones we love.  There is always a chore to be finished. There is always another appointment. There is something to be working on. In the end will it really matter?

I left something undone yesterday to be with my family and I'm glad I did. I chose the more important thing. Everyday we have a choice on where we spend our time. Just ask yourself this question when choosing. Will it matter?

Monday, June 19, 2017

Your Billboard

Tim Ferriss often asks the people he is interviewing if they could have a billboard, what would it say? He puts them on the spot to answer immediately. What would their one life's message say?

If you could have your own billboard, what would it say? I want to provoke thoughts that you may have never had. What is your purpose? Is it big enough to put on your billboard. Maybe what you thought was so important, really isn't.

You have one shot at this life. There is no practice run. As you wake up this morning, think about your day. What is on your schedule? Does it really matter enough to be on your billboard?

Monday, June 12, 2017


A lot of Nashville Predator fans went to bed mad after losing to the Pittsburgh Penguins in game six of the The Stanley Cup Final. This made me think about being obsessed. People would literally fight someone on behalf of their team, but don't fight for themselves everyday.

If they brought half of the fire and intensity to their lives as they brought to the ice rink, they would be unbelievable! Their business would explode and family life would be amazing! If those same people brought half of that energy to church with them, can you imagine how the service would go?

Obsession is not a bad thing if focused in the right area. Be obsessed about growing your business! Be obsessed about the time you spend with your family! Be obsessed about your walk with God! If you are focused on your life enough, you won't live and die with how your team performs. 

Monday, June 5, 2017

What did you do that mattered?

What did you do today that really mattered? Whether it is tomorrow, next week, next year or ten years from now, what will make a lasting impression? How will it change lives?

You see, most people get up everyday, go to their 9-5 and go home to watch TV. They get up the next day and do the same thing. They constantly look to the weekend for relief from a life they hate.

You may not be able to change your job today, but you can certainly add meaning to your life. Volunteer, learn a new language or mentor someone. It is never to late. Super Coach Micheal Burt says this ain't no practice life! Go live today! You are not promised tomorrow!