Welcome to my blog

I am a Realtor with Weichert Realtors, The Andrews Group in Murfreesboro, TN. I also service Nashville, Mount Juliet, Lebanon, Woodbury, Shelbyville and Eagleville. I love helping people find their dream home. I trust the information will be useful.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Ugly Babies!

Social media can be used in two ways. You can lift people up or break them down. You can choose to add value or strip it away.

When you next post, think about the effect it will have. Are you stirring the pot? Are you attempting to gain validation for your opinion? 

When you post or share something you know is controversial, you should know you aren't going to change someone's mind who holds a different point of view. This is not the setting for that. It's like taking a megaphone into a crowd and trying to have a meaningful debate. This should be done one on one.

The next time you post, just stop and think. Am I building those around me up? Arguing on social media is like trying to convince someone their baby's ugly. It ain't happening!

Monday, June 20, 2016

Father or Dad?

We just celebrated Father's Day yesterday. Like many others, I spent the day with my dad. We grilled out, sang and reminisced about the good ole days. This morning I started thinking about the difference between a father and a dad.

A "father" is a biological position. One simple act of indescretion or many years of planning the perfect moment to start a family. A father may stick around or may take off as soon as the baby arrives. He may help the mom with the financial needs of the newborn or not. You see the term father carries no obligation.

Now "dad" means something different to me. The times I know my dad wanted to fish alone, but took me and my brother anyway. He spent the entire time untangling our lines. The times he spent with us camping, riding motorcycles or building new bicycles out of old ones. No matter what happened in the world, I knew I had a dad that loved me unconditionally. The word "dad" means sacrifice.

I strive to be a good dad to my children as well. They are my world! I look forward every morning to hugging them and kissing on them. Every night I tuck them in and we say our prayers. I wouldn't miss those moments for anything.

So as I reflect on yesterday, I want to wish everyone a Happy Dad's Day!

Monday, June 13, 2016

It starts with your mindset.

Have you wondered why some are successful and others struggle daily? The chips seem to fall right for some all the time. Other people can't buy a break!

It starts with how you think. If you are broke and you start thinking how wealthy people think, you will start to do the things that will make you wealthy. On the other hand, if you are wealthy and you start thinking like a broke person, you are on your way to becoming broke.

It starts with accepting the fact that it is not someone else's fault that you are in your situation. Go look in the mirror. That is the person responsible. Sure, sometimes outside forces affect our lives. It is your reaction to those things that determines your success.

Randy Gage said "You can be a victim or a victor, but you can't be both!

Monday, June 6, 2016

Culture first!

When building my team, I thought about what was most important. The thing that stuck out the most was culture. If we could build the right culture, we could do anything.

How do you build a strong culture? I believe it starts with respect. If you treat those around you like team members instead your subjects, they will start to take ownership in what your team is doing.

Be slow to anger and quick to reward. People usually realize when they have made a mistake. They don't need you to beat them down further. Instead of trying to prove you are right and they are wrong, use that time go over solutions to make the team better.

Always give every team member input in the direction of the team. Hold team meetings where everyone has an equal say. Set your goals together, instead of the leader setting a goal and forcing it down.

It can be summed up by simply caring for those around you. Create an environment where your team will be eager to get up every morning and come to work. If you have them walking on eggshells everyday, I'll guarantee you they are not working their hardest for you.